Research for the Bermuda Triangle is currently broadcasting froM LOS ANGELES.

Cyprus + Greece

Cyprus + Greece

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With the intensity of our project and the amount of collaborative and personal time together, we decide to take individual trips outside of Lebanon. Lara travels to Skouriotissa, Cyprus, to visit an area where her great-grandfather was part of a Cypriot mining company during the 1920s, and where her grandmother grew up. She also (frighteningly) witnesses a flash flood, and (thankfully) is aided by a restaurant owner who helps her (literally) onto dry ground. Regina, on the other hand, travels to the Peloponnese in Greece. Here she stays in a small town outside of Nafplio where there are few tourists and far from big cities like Athens. She has the opportunity to visit 2 UNESCO World Heritage sites: Epidaurus, with a theatre and healing center from about 4th/6th BCE, and Mycenae, a city that functioned from 15th–12th BCE and is linked to the Homeric epics, the Iliad and the Odyssey.

PS – After her trip Lara receives these 2 images of her grandmother in 1934/1984 sitting on the same bridge in Cyprus.

False Starts // New Starts

False Starts // New Starts

Location Scouting

Location Scouting